Тег: мысли
В голове столько каши из мыслей — очень занимательных и важных. Но это каша. Важна четкость и ясность
Успех детища автора обратно пропорционален размеру его эго. Пишет он музыку, делает сайты или запускает бизнес — все равно...
Не понимаю, почему в обществе ходит представление, что факт обмана это плохо
Я не держу «руку на пульсе» жизни. Ни дизайна ни любой другой сферы моих интересов. Не читаю новости, не листаю ленты, не читаю электронные СМИ
Среди нормальных пацанов есть такое понятие «держать слово» и при любой оплошности они тычут в него. Но в суровой реальности много людей не держат слово в 100 процентах случаев
This text was created with a very old version of Aegea that used a formatter called Calliope. It is no longer included with Aegea 2
This text was created with a very old version of Aegea that used a formatter called Calliope. It is no longer included with Aegea 2
This text was created with a very old version of Aegea that used a formatter called Calliope. It is no longer included with Aegea 2
This text was created with a very old version of Aegea that used a formatter called Calliope. It is no longer included with Aegea 2
This text was created with a very old version of Aegea that used a formatter called Calliope. It is no longer included with Aegea 2
This text was created with a very old version of Aegea that used a formatter called Calliope. It is no longer included with Aegea 2
This text was created with a very old version of Aegea that used a formatter called Calliope. It is no longer included with Aegea 2
This text was created with a very old version of Aegea that used a formatter called Calliope. It is no longer included with Aegea 2
This text was created with a very old version of Aegea that used a formatter called Calliope. It is no longer included with Aegea 2
This text was created with a very old version of Aegea that used a formatter called Calliope. It is no longer included with Aegea 2