Тег: тупость

13 заметок   См. также:  дизайн   интерфейс

Кагоцел, ребенок и капля маркетинга

This text was created with a very old version of Aegea that used a formatter called Calliope. It is no longer included with Aegea 2

 1 комментарий   2012   Дети   кагоцел   тупость


This text was created with a very old version of Aegea that used a formatter called Calliope. It is no longer included with Aegea 2

 1 комментарий   2012   вонючка   пшик   тупость

И придет ОН, и станет лучше

This text was created with a very old version of Aegea that used a formatter called Calliope. It is no longer included with Aegea 2

За столиком в кафе мы ели время.

This text was created with a very old version of Aegea that used a formatter called Calliope. It is no longer included with Aegea 2

Маленький, да удаленький

This text was created with a very old version of Aegea that used a formatter called Calliope. It is no longer included with Aegea 2


This text was created with a very old version of Aegea that used a formatter called Calliope. It is no longer included with Aegea 2

 1 комментарий   2012   тупость   фейсбук

Выберите оператора

This text was created with a very old version of Aegea that used a formatter called Calliope. It is no longer included with Aegea 2

Евреи зохватили нас!

This text was created with a very old version of Aegea that used a formatter called Calliope. It is no longer included with Aegea 2

Рева vs Рутина

This text was created with a very old version of Aegea that used a formatter called Calliope. It is no longer included with Aegea 2

Ущербность фри-ланс.ру

This text was created with a very old version of Aegea that used a formatter called Calliope. It is no longer included with Aegea 2

Чайные пьяницы

This text was created with a very old version of Aegea that used a formatter called Calliope. It is no longer included with Aegea 2

 1 комментарий   2011   тупость   чай

Американ веб

This text was created with a very old version of Aegea that used a formatter called Calliope. It is no longer included with Aegea 2

Webmoney и когнитивный диссонанс

This text was created with a very old version of Aegea that used a formatter called Calliope. It is no longer included with Aegea 2