Тег: иллюстрация
Тут Макс звони, и говорит что Гордей снова в Новосибирске. Еще сам не видел, но Максу склонен верить
Минор написал новую песню. Буча сыграл басс и гитару. Руся все привел в порядок. Макс нарисовал иллюстрацию...
This text was created with a very old version of Aegea that used a formatter called Calliope. It is no longer included with Aegea 2
This text was created with a very old version of Aegea that used a formatter called Calliope. It is no longer included with Aegea 2
This text was created with a very old version of Aegea that used a formatter called Calliope. It is no longer included with Aegea 2